Sunday, March 18, 2007


I have just had, the WILDEST weekend of my life!!!! Saturday, was my 25th birthday and I had a party to top all parties!!! As you can see from the photos, I had a few people around to drink, eat, dance and be merry and boy did they do a great job of it!! I got some lovely presents and had so much fun catching up with everyone again. Just wanted to say a special thanks to Renee for helping me out and being a fantastic friend AS USUAL!
Tonight, the family came over for dinner and we had a birthday cake and I got some cool presents. The Family Guy Season 5 DVDs, Mr & Mrs Smith DVD, some stud earrings and a gorgeous ice blue vase. Chelsea gave me some candles and funky cushions and this week Will is getting my funky new Ipod Shuffle (hot pink). Woohoo!
This week promises to be great, because Mum, Aimee and I are going on a special little trip. Shh! its a secret, tune in next Monday because the blog will have heaps of great photos from our 4 day trip. (And please pray for the boys we are leaving behind to look after 3 households and two younger kids) Until next week!!!! (I am so happy right now!!) Suzi xo Dancing Lessons
Julie and Suzi
Renee and Suzi

Friday, March 09, 2007

The week that was.....

Well, I could come on here and whinge about how busy I am, and how work is flat out and Chelsea's going through a cheeky stage and Will and I don't see each other much and this and that..... BUT I'M NOT GOING TO!! Because I know you're all in the same boat -life is so much busier now.

I've been a naughty blogger in the last month and haven't added much whatsoever. I promise I am trying to change this!

One week tomorrow until my 25th Birthday!! Goodness, 1/4 of a century - I have noticed recently that when I smile, I have wrinkles around my eyes - at 25 years old... lets hope I can hold onto my youthful looks like Mum.

I thought it would be a great idea to start including on the blog, some of Chelsea's choice phrases and words - because geez she comes up with some good ones:

1 Mummy is lying on bed having a catnap.

Chelsea: Mum, are you ok?

Mummy: yes I'm just very very tired

Chelsea: Oh, don't worry Mum, I will attack you....

Chelsea proceeds to give mummy a big squeezy cuddle

2 Mummy is in kitchen before work, packing Chelsea's lunchbox

Mummy hands Chelsea her lunchbox which is quite heavy

Chelsea: Christ Almighty this is heavy mum!

Mummy tries to keep a straight face

3 Mummy collects all the clothes that are too small for Chelsea

Mummy dresses Chelsea in each outfit and takes photos, to put on ebay to sell

After a few shots, Chelsea decides to 'Strut her Stuff' and sticks out her belly, hands on hips and feet thrown out apart.

Chelsea: Look at me mum... I'm a Brat!! (Meaning a Bratz Doll)

Hope you had a laugh at these, enjoy your weekend and I will definitely blog again soon!!

Suzi xo

Will's Storm photos

Now everyone knows that in this family, the camera stays in my hands at all times.... So of course when Will bounds upstairs to grab the camera and 'take photos of the storm thats on its way' I scoffed and huffed and puffed and said "it won't work, you need a tripod, you need this setting, that setting blah blah blah". 10 minutes later, Suzi has egg on her face when Will gets a great shot of the light show last night, with nothing but the brickwork of the house to keep his arm steady. I think he did a great job, he's pretty rapt with the pickies too!!

She's a funny little thing...

Chelsea Leah, just like her mummy did, loves horses. She loves My Little Ponies, she loves Barbie horses, she loves plastic horses, plush horses, horses with horns and horses with wings. She pats the horses at Little Nanny's house and waves to the ones up the road every morning when we leave.
All this said and done..... I am yet to work out, why she chooses this one horse, and only this one, to tie up with red plastic rope and swing around her head as she wanders through the house. At first I thought it was just a one off, as I cleaned her bedroom up one night.. But then the next day, the same poor horse was tied up in the same way.... I have since worked out, that the rope is a way of holding on to the horse for Chicko - kind of like a pendant on a chain, or keys on a key ring. When she comes out for dinner, she hangs the horse over the back of her chair and throws it over her shoulder casually as she leaves, its the source of much amusement for William and I!!!

Chelsea and I at Tanayah's Birthday Party 2weeks ago
Alicia and Chris the Bride and Groom to be, last weekend at their house
Me and Andrew - I took this photo right after mum told us we were so alike in nature that it was scary!! We are both loud, boisterous and love to muck and joke around...