Monday, October 30, 2006

I hope everyone's weekend was great. As per usual, we were out in the backyard. Here is William preparing a patch of the yard for lawn, it used to be a vege garden, but we just don't have the time to maintain something like that!

I spat the dummy yesterday arvo and told William that I was finished working in the yard and from now on will be concentrating on the inside of the house. - The painting, fittings, flooring etc that have been neglected!

We have done some more to the big garden in the middle, but I'm not happy with the result, so I won't be posting anymore photos of it until its finished!
Chicko and I just took this photo of ourselves about 10 minutes ago. Dancing is wrapping it up for the year soon, and the Christmas concert is getting closer. Chelsea's group are doing a dance to the Hi5 song 'Action Hero'.

Click here to see the Hi5 Action Hero Video Clip

Chelsea is doing well at swimming lessons as well. At the moment she's blowing bubbles under the water and reaching down to pick up toys under the water.

I am soooooooooo looking forward to the party season coming up. Our work Christmas party is coming up in a few weeks, which should be an ALL NIGHTER! I am going on a warehouse shopping tour this weekend, an engagement party, enjo parties, candle parties and we are hoping to go to Dreamworld soon. Chicko is old enough to enjoy everything now.

Anyhow, have a great evening, Suzi xo Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I would just like to express how much our friends and family mean to us.

Thankyou to everyone who was there for us this week when we needed support and prayers. We are genuinely thankful for your kind thoughts and actions.

Susan and Will xo

Monday, October 16, 2006

Mums Bears

I have been wanting to show mums bears for a long time but have never got around to it.

Mum made all of these bears from scratch, I think she is just so clever.
They all have names, but I only know a few! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Our progress

I really like the before and after photos, here's where we're at as of this weekend. We have been here for 9 1/2 months now.

Above: January 06 2 weeks after we moved in

Above: September 06 beginning to put in the 'big' garden

Today: October 06 'Big' Garden being planted slowly, back garden and lawn down and seed sown

G'day G'day

Hi Everyone, We've had an action packed weekend as per usual.

Friday arvo I decided to get some scrapbooking done, and also photographed a few more things that I want to put on Ebay eventually.
Saturday morning got up and went down to Bunnings with Chicko to pick up the weekly supply of plants. Will helped his Dad with some mowing and then they both came back to take a uteload of green waste to the tip. I started (and finished) a garden along our back path, which runs the full length of Chelsea's new play area.

As you can see here, this whole area has been flattened out over two weekends and William planted grass seeds today. Along the fenceline is also another garden in which we have planted trees that will hide the fence and be able to be shaped like hedges.

I love this photo of Chicko washing her feet when we were cleaning up - check out the colour of the water!! (that's from me as well!!)On a spur of the moment I took a photo of my Darling and I which is already one of my favourites. We both look so content and comfortable - I love being with him on the weekends.

Last night I went out to dinner with Jess and Rikki and as usual had a great time. Whilst we were having dinner, less that 1km away, Chelsea and Meagan's Dance Studio was on fire. Some low lives set fire to the verandah and as the building is timber, it took off. Mum rang me late last night to let us know and today we went down there to have a look. Miss Janine and alot of mums and students were there as the firies and police were clearing debris and gathering evidence. Chelsea was worried "Where's my dancing gone?" But hopefully they find another hall to tide us over, alot of the girls have exams soon and the concert is fast approaching!

I have been informed that its my turn to cook dinner tonight even when I had to go to work for a short time today! But that's ok, I can't remember the last time I cooked dinner, Will does it every night. - Aren't I lucky!

Hope your weekend has been as action packed and satisfying as ours. Enjoy the coming week. Suzi xo