Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Welcome Back Post....

Well, after a loooooong break from Blogging, I have been looking enviously at other people's blogs and decided to get back into it. I am a regular Facebook visitor though, it is so easy to keep up with everyone that way!

Rhys is now 2 Years and 3 months old, he is loud, cheeky and very very funny! Chelsea will be 7 in July and is in Grade 1. She has got some very good reports from school since starting last year. She goes to a local Catholic Primary School. Next week we are going for a tour and an interview for a Grammar School from next year onwards for her.

We got some amazing news last Sunday. We have had 'The Block' on the market for a couple of months now. We have decided to Buy and renovate again and the idea of building was becoming less than appetising after a few years of thinking about it. Last Sunday we got a phone call from the Real Estate Agent with an offer for our block. After a couple of hours of negotiation, we happily accepted their offer and are awaiting settlement in the first week of July. Wow!! No more mortgage payments and rates, I am really looking forward to saving this money instead! We hope to buy another home in the first half of 2011, we are living in a beautiful old Queenslander in an amazing part of town at the moment. For this reason, we truly won't mind if we have to stay here longer.

Will is enjoying his job heaps and getting alot of overtime. Thankfully, he doesn't have to go away too often, and is next week getting a work car. I'm pretty happy about this too - even more money to go into the savings, petrol, insurance, rego.

I am enjoying work, I have been there for 6.5 years now and I really found it difficult after Rhys was born to go back to work and feel good about being there. After having 4 months off and being home with my little family, the last thing I wanted to do was to go and sit in an office and palm them off with other people. We are the busiest we have ever been at work, and I thrive on routine and organisation, so my office partner and I do the best we can to make each day run smoothly and achieve lots.

Now that I have updated the blog, I promise to keep on top of it a little better and make regular posts!!

By chance I stopped at a Garage Sale yesterday and they had a Sunbeam Juicing Machine there for $30!! I have been holding out to buy one and looking on ebay, as they are so expensive brand new, so I snapped this baby up! We went to the markets this morning and bought loads and loads of fruit and veges, and some gorgeous bunches of flowers too, so William is expecting fresh juice now ;)

I think Dinner might be quiche tonight, steak for my fussy husband who doesn't eat it!


1 comment:

  1. Alisha Luxford9:42 am

    Real men don't eat quiche. They eat bacon and egg pie. GREAT to see the blog up and running again! I love to be nosy and Chris will be impressed that I know some info on what's happening in your world. Congrats on selling the block! What a relief! We would love to catch up in the very near future! xo The Luxfords
