Thursday, May 29, 2008

After so long

I have been meaning to blog for so long, but I now have a little boy who likes attention!! Rhys is now 10 weeks old and around 15lb. What a big boy! He is smiling all of the time and occasionally works up enough energy for a little cackle too. I am going back to work in 3 weeks and I know I will find it hard in the first week to be away from both of the kids after such a long time. He has had problems with Reflux from 5 weeks old, which means alot of extra washing and alot more crying. We have to make sure not to move him around too much after his feeds and to keep him upright. He has an AR Formula now and also has Mylanta after feeds, which seems to have helped alot, so hopefully he will grow out of it soon! Chelsea is embracing the big sister role. We were a bit taken aback by her behaviour for the first two months, then all of a sudden, she got over it - and is great now. We are in the midst of the Eisteddfod season at the moment and her two new group dances got a 1st and 2nd at the one eisteddfod in April, and two 1sts a couple of weeks ago. There is another one coming up next week.
William has a two day course today and tomorrow for his new job which he starts on June 10. He is very excited and I am so happy to see him motivated and looking forward to a new career.

I must be off now, this kitchen is not going to clean itself!!

Suzi xo

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:32 am

    What a cutie he is! The bottom laughing picture make you just want to eat him up! Going back to work is going to suck! Poor Mummy!

    Forgot to tell you too, CHris has a promotion! He now does the estmating for Projects... all the big companies! Ooo... and he has to wear sexy business clothes!

