Monday, March 24, 2008

Our New Arrival!

'The Rhys Man' in hospital with mummy
Welcome to the World

Rhys William

Born 18th March

Weight 4580grams or 10lb 1oz

Length 53cm
Head Circumference 36.5cm

We were induced at around 11.30pm on 17th March and it was again attempted at 9.00am on 18th March. Waters were broken by the doctor at 1.20pm and Rhys was born naturally just under 5 hours later. So far he is a placid and content baby and has hardly made a peep since being born!

Mummy and Daddy are very proud to finally have a little boy to complete their family and big sister Chelsea just wants to cuddle him all the time!

Sound asleep on his first day home - Good Friday
The Easter bunny came to our house!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you all on the safe arrival of your baby boy. Rhys is such a Cutie.

    Looking forward to seeing some more pics of him.

    Take Care,
    Check out our Forum!
