Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I hope the week so far has treated everyone well. I myself am sitting here dripping with sweat as the Qld weather has decided to head back to summer trends. I so love the rain and we need LOTS of it. We are due to have our new water tank delivered early next week, so everyone can thank the Berderows for the end to the wet weather - Murphy's Law ay?? LOL.
Life at work is very busy as per usual, but I must admit that I thrive when I have lots to do. There is nothing worse than sitting there bored. I have the opportunity to do a few more hours at work to catch up, but honestly, the thought that Will and Chelsea are at home without me always makes me leave work at 4pm on the dot. William was on night shift for over 2 years - thats a long time! I must admit that since he has been back on day shift since January, I have had it A LOT easier!! He is very domesticated indeed. Does the washing, cooks dinner probably 80% of the time, baths and dresses Chelsea, AND on the weekends does his handyman jobs around the house and yard. aaaaaah...... I have a good man, and I feel very lucky indeed!!

Chelsea is very quickly growing up into a little lady. Buzz and Woody from Toy Story are all the rage at the moment, and she is thrilled with her new Buzz Lightyear toothbrush we got at grocery shopping tonight! In the last month though, we have a new problem. Chelsea is continually waking up during the night and having tantrums in her sleep. Its amazing to see, because I remember having them myself actually. I remember mum coming into my room and no matter what she did, it wasn't right, and I remember getting more and more worked up! Chelsea has been having these tantrums around 1am probably once a week for the last couple of weeks and it really is discouraging to not be able to settle her down. After last nights episode, I believe I might start looking at different things she is eating. In the last month she has been drinking a new kind of popper, that I believe may have a HEAP more sugar. I am going to take her off it and see what happens. Seems irrelevant, but hey, if it works - then I will be happy. Anything to keep my girl happy and healthy.

As mentioned the other day, I think I might get back into Ebay selling. My item I had for sale last week sold for a very good price, so I am happy.

1 1/2 weeks til my birthday (24) can't wait. Then on the 18th my friend Rikki and her fiancee Mark get hitched! It will be hard because this will be the first wedding we have been to after our own. (cue aaaaaw) LOL I miss my wedding preparations and excitement... well, maybe not the preparations err.

Anyways, have a very enjoyable evening/morning/day - wherever and whoever you are.

Love Suze xo

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